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Acadia Disposal District Budget Minutes 02/28/08
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors
February 28, 2008 at the Somesville Firehouse

PRESENT:  Ellen Brawley (clerk), Larry Howard (SWH), Tony Smith (Mount Desert), Elliott Spiker (Tremont)

VISITORS:   Lee Worcester (EMR)

CALL TO ORDER:  6:00 pm.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS:  The following nominations were made:
        Chairman: Tony Smith (Spiker, Howard)
        Treasurer: Elliott Spiker (Smith, Howard)
        Clerk:  Ellen Brawley (Smith, Spiker)
MOTION that the clerk cast one ballot for the slate as presented.  Carried 3-0.

FISCAL YEAR CHANGE:  Now that Mount Desert is changing its fiscal year to July-June, ADD would be unable to get any funds during the first six months of a calendar year.  For this reason, ADD will change to a July-June fiscal year as well.  This year we will have an 18 month budget, to carry us from January 2008 through June of 2009.

BUDGET:  An 18 month budget has been prepared and sent to all the towns for review.  It calls for total expenditures of $43,000, but this will be offset by a carry forward from 2007 of $10,326.40, leaving $32863.51 to be raised.  The town shares, based on 2007 MSW tonnages are as follows:
        Cranberry:                 $334.24
        Mount Desert            $8,566.84
        Tremont         $5,086.54
        Trenton         $7,769.35
        SW Harbor                 $11,116.54

        TOTAL             $32.873.51

MOTION: (Smith, Howard) to accept the 2008-2009 budget as presented.  Carried 3-0.

MOTION to adjourn:  6:08

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen T. Brawley, Clerk.